Collaborative Media Productions, LLC
CMP helps businesses achieve their goals through online assistance and leadership training.
Upfront technical costs vary by project size but typically hover around $1000, sometimes more. Depending upon said management project, 10%—20% profit margin commission per project. Leadership training varies per half hour and group size/type.
All first meetings will be done via zoom call. Please schedule ahead of time via the Calendly link (please provide 48 hours for a zoom link response) or contact us directly via email or Instagram.
Search Engine Optimization/Web Build
With optimal upfront pricing and low-profit share margins, SEO/SEM is an effective addition that will leverage your business for the long haul.
Web build varies upon requirements.

Advertising (Copywrite)
Radio Ads
Video Commercial
Outreach Awareness
Social Media Management
-Post scheduling Management
-Engagement Management
-Ad Management
-Sponsorship Management

Leadership Training
-Personal Development
-Sales Mentality Training
-Youth Leadership
-Faith in Business
-Work/Life Balance